Cassie’s Husband Alex Fine Slams Abusers Amid Diddy Hotel Footage Release–‘Men Who Hit Women...

Cassandra “Cassie,” Ventura’s husband, has again stood up for his wife. In an Instagram statement, Alex Fine gave his support to domestic violence victims while sending a damning message to those who hit women. This comes after a hotel surveillance video of Sean “Diddy” Combs abusing Cassie was released.

Cassie x Alex Fine

Source: Phillip Faraone / Getty

As BOSSIP reported on Friday, CNN released shocking 2016 footage of Diddy “hitting, kicking, and dragging” his former girlfriend, an incident that Cassie described in her November 2023 lawsuit.  As you may recall, the lawsuit was settled the day after it was filed for an undisclosed amount. Representatives for Diddy were clear that the decision to settle was “not an admission of wrongdoing” and Diddy nor his representative have commented on the video footage being released.

Alex Fine Speaks Out

Amid the footage’s release, Cassie’s husband Alex Fine made it clear that abuse victims deserve to be heard.


Fine posted a lengthy message to Instagram addressing multiple points and began by speaking directly to men who abuse women.

“Men who hit women aren’t men. Men who enable it and protect those people aren’t men,” wrote the personal trainer.

Fine continued to state that abuse is not “inevitable” and charged men to help prevent abuse by calling out those who cross a line.

The 31-year-old also took the time to uplift survivors of domestic abuse saying;

“To all the survivors, find the men and women who help and love. To all the survivors, your stories are real, and people believe you. To all the survivors you’re not alone, and there are men and women who care only for your well being and safety. We want you to succeed and flourish. To all the women and children, I’m sorry you live in a world where you’re not protected, and you don’t feel equal. I want to raise my daughters in a world where they are safe and loved.”

The father of two ended his statement by sending a cold message to abusers.

“You’re done, you’re not safe anymore, you’re not protected anymore, the men by your side are just as weak, you’re so miserable with yourself that death would be considered a kindness.”

In his caption, Fine stated that he wrote this message some time ago, but the words still ring true. He also mentioned wanting his children to grow up and live in a world where women and girls are safe and protected and shared the number for the domestic violence hotline.


Fine and Ventura met while she was still in a relationship with Diddy. Shortly after they broke up in 2018, she began dating Fine. The couple wed in 2019 and have two beautiful daughters; Frankie, 4, and Sunny, 3.


Social Media Continues To React To The Diddy Abuse Video

As previously reported, many people reacted to the footage on social media. Amid Fine’s Instagram statement, more users applaud his strength and care for his wife, Cassie.

Fans also credit Fine for “saving “Cassie and giving her the love she deserves.

We continue to wish Cassie and her family the best.

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