Breakthrough Marketing. Amplified Reach.

NuMainstream Marketing connects you with a wider audience than ever before. We leverage a powerful network of apps, radio stations and blogs, social media platforms, events, and high-impact productions to amplify your brand message and drive results. 

Key benefits:

  • Unmatched Reach: Get your message in front of a massive audience across diverse channels.
  • Targeted Engagement: We connect you with the right people at the right time.
  • Creative Storytelling: Craft compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience.
  • Measurable Results: Track your campaign's success and optimize for maximum impact.

Reach the Heartbeat of Culture: NuMainstream Marketing for Your Brand

NuMainstream Marketing isn't just about reaching a large audience; it's about connecting with a passionate and influential one. Here's why targeting users on the NuMainstream App is a winning strategy for your brand:

  • Deep Connection: You'll tap into a community that builds trends, sets taste, and drives cultural conversations.
  • Authentic Engagement: Our audience actively seeks out content from the voices they trust - artists, bloggers, and radio personalities they connect with. Your message, placed alongside theirs, gains instant credibility.
  • Targeted Reach: NuMainstream offers a variety of channels: trending news, artist blogs, a dedicated radio station, and targeted push notifications. This lets you tailor your message to specific interests within the community.
  • Mobile-First Focus: Our app keeps users engaged on the go. This means your brand message has the potential to reach them throughout their day, wherever they are.
  • Real-Time Impact: Push notifications allow you to send instant updates and promotions, keeping your brand at the forefront of their minds.

NuMainstream Marketing isn't just about numbers, it's about connecting with a community that drives culture. Let us help you reach them in a way that resonates.

Here's a breakdown of the consumerism tendencies of the user demographic on the NuMainstream App:

  • Brand Loyalty: This audience can be fiercely loyal to brands they identify with. If your marketing resonates with their values and lifestyle, they'll become strong advocates.
  • Influencer Marketing: They're highly influenced by celebrities, especially musicians and fashion icons they follow. Partnering with the right artist or personality can create a powerful marketing push.
  • Trendsetters: This demographic is at the forefront of trends, particularly in fashion, footwear, and tech. They're quick to adopt new products and experiences.
  • Digital Commerce: They're comfortable shopping online and using mobile wallets. Seamless in-app purchasing options can be highly effective.
  • Value Seekers: Price is important, but not the only factor. They'll pay a premium for brands that align with their values and offer a unique experience.
  • Social Proof: Reviews, recommendations, and social media buzz heavily influence their purchasing decisions.

NuMainstream Marketing can help you:

  • Leverage influencer partnerships to promote your brand with trusted voices.
  • Showcase your brand story in a way that resonates with their cultural identity.
  • Offer exclusive promotions and experiences through the NuMainstream App to create a sense of value and exclusivity.
  • Target advertising strategically based on user interests within the app.

By understanding these consumerism tendencies, you can craft marketing campaigns that resonate with the NuMainstream App, turning them from users into loyal fans and ultimately, into paying customers.


Capture the Beat. Own the Culture. Advertise with NuMainstream Marketing.

Tired of generic marketing that misses the mark? NuMainstream Marketing isn't your average advertising agency. We connect you with our vibrant community!

Here's how we can elevate your brand:

  • Visual Storytelling: Eye-catching visuals for the NuMainstream blog grab attention and tell your brand story in a way that resonates with a culturally relevant audience.
  • Radio Redefined: Captivate listeners with dynamic audio ads for our in-app radio station. We'll craft the perfect message to reach the hearts and minds of music lovers.
  • Content Creation that Converts: From engaging videos to catchy jingles, our team creates high-quality content that not only thrives on the NuMainstream App but extends your reach beyond our network.
  • Beyond the App: Use our content for social media campaigns, website embeds, and other marketing channels to maximize your brand exposure.

NuMainstream Marketing isn't just about advertising, it's about cultural connection. 

Let us help you.