JD Brings Back to Back Bangers with "We In The Party" and "Animal"

Catching a vibe with his latest offering is none other than Canadian rapper, JD. The Ontario-bred rising rhymer returns with his new summer smash, "Animal". His hot new hit, comes on the heels of his sizzling single, "We In The Party"!

Although he's putting on for his country of Canada, JD can't help but to credit the New York Hip-Hop heavyweights by the likes of: 50 Cent, Pop Smoke, and Sheff G - that's influenced his musical sound and style. In fact, this trailblazing talent is one whose originality weaves into his metaphorical lyrical talent that focuses on his personal struggles, accomplishments and relationships.

JD stepped into the spotlight with his breakout release, "We In The Party" (November 2022). Alongside its astounding audio, its infectious beat and vampiric-styled visual drew the attention of influencers such as Julian Newman. His debut raved release received so much recognition that it amassed over 10K views on YouTube within the first few days, while shattering streams until this day from the start!

Remaining a force to be reckoned with, JD is undoubtedly a rapper to watch in 2023! Stay tuned here at Hip-Hop Indie Music for all things JD For now, get familiar with this rising rhymer and press play on his most recent record, "Animal". Lastly, let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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