Field of Vision Announces 2019 Fellows — Exclusive

Field of Vision, the award-winning documentary unit of First Look Media, announces today its 2019 fellows. The Field of Vision fellowship is a year-long, collaborative program designed to support filmmakers in achieving their long-term artistic goals. The four 2019 Field of Vision fellows are: artist and filmmaker Heba Y. Amin, artist and filmmaker Ja’Tovia M. Gary, director, producer and cinematographer Heloisa Passos and filmmaker Bassam Tariq.

“These four filmmakers are rule breakers, troublemakers, and innovators who subvert the boundaries of cinematic form and storytelling. In addition to supporting their individual practice, we hope the fellowship will create a space for the exchange of ideas, skills, and methodologies,” said Field of Vision co-founder and executive producer Laura Poitras.

This year’s fellows are selected from filmmakers who have worked on, or have a film currently in production, with Field of Vision. In addition to creating a framework for idea development, creative support, and a grant, Field of Vision will conduct workshops throughout the year in the areas of digital security, research, and legal issues. Fellows will also be invited to participate in Field of Vision’s editorial process, from identifying urgent stories to offering filmmaker feedback and guidance.

“We’re thrilled to be working with these four incredible artists over the next year. Their artistic practices and goals are indicative of what’s most exciting for us at Field of Vision. It truly is an honor to be able to have the opportunity to collaborate with these phenomenal filmmakers,” said Field of Vision co-founder and executive producer Cook.

January was a landmark month for Field of Vision. Two Field of Vision-supported films, “Hale County, This Morning, This Evening” by RaMell Ross and “A Night at The Garden” by Marshall Curry were nominated for Academy Awards.

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