Vibe Culture Co. is Damn Near at its Kickstarter Goal

With only 9 days left, Vibe Culture Co.’s Kickstarter $2,400 goal is 75% funded. Vibe Culture Co. is a clothing brand dedicated to celebrating the pursuit of dreams through quality and meaningful apparel.

Check out what they have to offer with this graphic from their Kickstarter page.

In case the image doesn’t load, I’ll quote Samu, the designer:

“The beauty behind art is that it has the ability to tell a million different stories. This piece in specific wasn’t originally drawn with a particular story in mind.

However, I personally like to believe it’s a manifestation of the work-life balance many of us struggle to achieve. In this case, the “blood, sweat, and tears” of labor takes the form of the red paint covering the mans[sic] face, blinding him from his true intenions[sic], ambitions, and happiness in life.

It’s the process of getting caught up in the micro day-to-day, work that often distracts us from our bigger picture.”

Additionally, if you become a backer at $35 level or more, you’ll get a few bonus pieces.

You can back the Kickstarter by clicking here.
You can check out Vibe Culture Co.’s website here.
Peep the IG as well!

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