Up-and-coming artist begins to make her mark

Born and raised on the eastside of Indianapolis, AmeriKKKen says she’s more than just a rapper. At just 12 years old, she began writing poetry, and at 14 she started exploring and experimenting with music.

“I became more confident to share my music with others,” she explains.

A rapper, poet, lyricist and singer, she prefers not to be confined to the stereotypes of an up-and-coming artist. AmeriKKKen, or Kennedy Mosley, is a rising junior at Ball State University where she studies Audio Production. She is currently pursuing a career in the forefront of the music industry not only as a well-known and respected artist, but as an emcee, vocalist, and songwriter. Down the line, she plans to use her degree to produce and engineer her own music.

Although she eventually wants to move out of Indianapolis, AmeriKKKen says being in Indianapolis makes it easy to network, and gain opportunities.

Recently, AmeriKKKen had her first public performance at Famour Fest in Fortville, Indiana. Although she was a little nervous, preparing and rehearsing for weeks, she says, “Performing gave me a rush and afterwards I wanted to do it all over it again.”

The young performer has also recently released her second single, “Snakes in the Grass,” about the importance of paying attention to the people you choose to associate with.

“Always stay true to yourself,” AmeriKKKen says. Her advice to others up-and-coming in the music industry is to remain humble and make the music you want to make.

Taylor Kelly: What is your earliest memory of interest in music?

AmeriKKKen: Besides writing poetry at age 12, it was freshman year of high school 2012 when I started to become a fan of music and admire watching the success growth of my favorite artists. I always wondered how it would feel to be in their position but didn’t have the confidence at the time to take poetry or music serious.

TK: What inspires you / your work?

A: I’m inspired by many different things. Music, art and everyday life experiences in both my life and others around me.

TK: Describe your creative process.

A: It differs. Majority of the time I hear a beat and see if any lyrics I have sitting around match the mood or feel of it. I take note of all the lyrics and ideas that randomly come to me at times. Other times I hear a beat and just get inspired to write something completely new.

It’s rare for me to finish an entire song in one sitting. I start something then sit on it and come back when I’m inspired again. I like jumping around to new ideas and working on more than one song at once.

TK: What motivates you / keeps you going?

A: Knowing that I have a talent and it’s my job to share it with others keeps me going. I know my hard work will pay off eventually. Those who love and support my music, as well as those who don’t want to see me fail, keeps me going too.

TK: What’s next for you? What short and long term goals are on your list?

A: As far as short time goals, my goal is to continue to get my name out there more by continuing to release singles and doing shows. A long term goal would be me releasing an EP or body of work. The plan is to build more of a fan base and then release a project when I feel it’s time.

Follow AmeriKKKen online to see more of her work:
Instagram: @ameriKKKen
Twitter: @ameriKKKen
Facebook: @ameriKKKen
Website: www.ameriKKKen.com

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