Internship Diary: To New Experiences

Since I was in elementary school, I knew I wanted to work in the fashion industry. I remember watching That’s So Raven and dreaming of becoming a fashion designer. When I was in high school, I changed directions and wanted to become a celebrity stylist. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of college that I decided I wanted to work in the fashion media industry, particularly with magazines.

I thought at the time that I would have to move to New York or Los Angeles in order for this dream of mine to become reality. Though I wanted to live out my career dreams, these big cities were too far away from my family and friends for my liking. It wasn’t until my senior year of college that I sat down and really considered my options. I remembered hearing about PATTERN before and when I visited their website, I saw they were accepting internship applications. I immediately applied.

After my interview, I was honestly shocked when I read the email saying I would be a PATTERN intern. I didn’t think I was good enough seeing as I didn’t major in journalism. On the first day, I parked my car, walked outside of the garage and immediately fell in step with the hustle and bustle of the city. That was the moment I realized that I did belong here and I did deserve to be an intern at this awesome magazine.

To say that I learned something new during this experience would be an understatement. As a journalism intern, I learned how to add my own touch into a story while still telling it from the eyes of who it was about. I learned how to deal with criticism, how to pitch a story, and how to design a post in the backend of PATTERN’s website.

Besides that, I was given the chance to create a video for PATTERN’s YouTube channel, attend my first (and several other) photoshoots, document projects via social media, and attend some of Indy’s popular events such as Zoobilation. I was able to write my first celebrity fashion post, interview Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Warby Parker, and better my Adobe skills while creating moodboards.

Not only did I learn creative and technical skills, but I also learned that I don’t have to move to a large city to do what I love. Indiana has and always will be my home. I am beyond thankful that I was able to spend my summer after graduation in one of my favorite cities, with like-minded people, and my amazing #internfam.  

PATTERN has changed my life. I have so much more passion for Indiana, local businesses and making long lasting relationships with those in the Midwest that I did before this summer. I am so excited to take what I have learned these past few months and apply them to my future endeavors. x

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